Pheonix '13-Annual Fest of Physics Society Ramjas College

The Physics Society of Ramjas College

Events: Day 1 [6th March]

#Guest Lecture by Dr. Amit Roy
(Director at InterUniversity Accelerator Centre)-10:00 am
#Quiz-12:30 Noon
#Treasure Hunt-12:00 Noon
#Poster Making-1:00 pm

Events: Day 2 [7th March]

#Guest Lecture by Dr. Rothnashree
(Director at Nehru Planeterium)-10.00 am
#Article-12:00 Noon
#Debate-2:00 pm

On the Spot Registration is Available for all the events mentioned above.

For any other information and queries contact:

Amit Singh [President]
Amit Kaamra [Vice President]